Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fantastic Fabric Flowers

Ok, so I know I am way late, but I would like to jump on the fabric flower bandwagon please?
After pinning practically every picture and tutorial of all of those adorable fabric flowers people are making, I finally got my act together enough to try to make one.
Success! Turns out, they really are not that hard! The only problem now is that I am addicted. I have different colored fabric flowers laying around my house. Today I even cut up one of my old huge t-shirts and made a bunch of flowers. You could say I have a problem.
Yes I am still taking crappy pictures. But that will soon change. Hopefully by Monday. Just bear with me.
I firmly believe that everybody should make at least one of these flowers. They are adorable and easy and cheap and frankly, it's kind of empowering to whip a couple of these bad boys up real fast with little to no effort.
You start with a strip of fabric about an inch wide.
I have experimented with a bunch of fabrics so far. Pretty much everything works. I haven't tried felt yet though. If you try that go ahead and let us know how it worked!
Roll the edges in toward the middle. So that the frayed edges are not showing. I wasn't that careful and I think the occasional frayed edge makes it look kinda cool
Tie a knot in the end.
This is where the magic happens. Take your hot glue gun and put a dot of glue about a quarter of the way around the knot. Then take the long end of the fabric, twist it a little, and then put it in the glue.
Keep doing that until you run out of fabric! Glue the end to the bottom of your flower.
So there it is! I know there are other kinds of fabric flowers out there, these are just the ones that I have perfected. Try it! PLEASE! I know you will love it too!
Have a great day! Take a minute to think about how much you are blessed!


Jeanna said...

Your flowers turned out great. Too cute!

Jeanna @

Unknown said...

They look great! What are you doing with them? Remember we had them on your wedding necklaces? They are so cute!