Monday, September 19, 2011

Arrrr!!! We be talkin' like Pirates this day Matey!

As I'm sure probably none of you know, today, September 19, is National Talk Like a Pirate Day! Yeah, it's legitimate. There is a web site and everything. You can check out the official site here.
Here is how this whole crazy holiday got started. So, you have two guys, John Baur and Mark Summers, and they are playing tennis right? On June 6th 1995. And as the game progressed they randomly started shouting pirate words at each other. And then the lightbulb came on. Shouldn't there be a national holiday where everybody celebrates talking like pirates? Almost definitely (Imagine that said in a Johny Depp voice)
Why celebrate it on September 19th? Because June 6 was D-day, and of course they couldn't compete with that. September 19th was Mark's ex-wife's birthday so that was how that date came to mind.
And like all great ideas, this one took a backstage to the hassles of everyday life and the creators almost forgot about the holiday they had invented. Until in 2002 they happened upon the email for journalist Dave Barry. They told him about their holiday and that the world needed to hear about it. In September of 2002, Dave Barry published his article about National Talk Like a Pirate day. And the rest is history....
So there ye be! Now get out thare ye bilge rats! There be just one day to talk like real swashbucklers. Don't let this pirate ship pass ye by!

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